Thursday, March 18, 2010

Marketing Matters - Exposing Your Ardyss Business Online

I am finding that there are many ways to market my Ardyss business. From business cards, flyers, postcards, social-networking advertising, and ads, the list could go on, but how do I decide which actions to take to get the results I want?

After hours of researching and viewing the blogs, websites, lead captures pages, tweets, YouTube videos and facebook pages of some of the most successful Ardyss leaders, I have begun to develop a marketing plan and strategy for my own success. I am not reinventing the wheel, but with so much information out there, determining which lead capture pages I should use, what social media tools are best, what I should invest in NOW to explode my business and what can wait, takes some time to sort out. The one thing I do know is that immediate action must be taken. I can not be paralyzed by over analysis so I have come up with a plan for any new distributor to follow.

New distributors may not have a lot of additional money to spend on auto-responders or MLM networking systems to promote their business or brand so let's first talk about the tools that cost very little or absolutely nothing!

One of the first marketing tools to utilize is the phenomenal “Sizzle Call” by Platinum President Toni Morgan. This call is intended for us to use to pique the interest of our prospects. Often times before we spend considerable time trying to “convince” someone of our great opportunity, we want to make sure our business is a right match for them. The Sizzle Call will save time so we can move on to someone that will say YES! The call number is below:

Platinum President, Toni Morgan’s

Sizzle Call


24/7 to hear a recorded message about our dynamic opportunity.

Next, work on branding "YOU" or should I say "ME"

1. Choose a domain name, i.e., (
2. Get a marketing site to market your Ardyss business with a lead capture page to make sure you know your site is being visited by potential business partners or customers. I highly recommend a CHANGEINTENMINUTES.COM site or a site. After you purchase your site for $15.00 per month, forward your domain name to the site.
3. SOCIAL NETWORKING – Chose 2-3 social network sites listed below and devote a minimum of 20 hours per week marketing yourself on these sites:

With Twitter, Facebook and YouTube you have free access to HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people in any niche desirable. There is SO much leverage at your fingertips these days it's truly amazing...

Using free social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and YouTube will help you to share valuable content and information that we know people are already looking for to answer their questions. This creates trust, relationships and a following. It builds your brand automatically.

New Ardyss distributors want to understand how to MARKET their opportunity so they
can actually make some money. That's the whole point of joining the business right?!

And we want to know How to keep this whole entire thing as simple as possible with no drama or complicated tactics...

People are going to want to join my team for those 2 reasons. Because I can help them move closer to their goals...

Or I have a marketing system, skills, or knowledge...that will help them make money.

I am going to do BOTH of those things...people will literally be attracted to me because of the information I can provide.

I will become the hunted.

Well stay tuned... I will continue to share the steps I am taking to be successful in this business. We'll see what works, what doesn't, I'll provide my first hand testimonials on what I've tried, what's been suggested and what we should avoid.

Brand the New You!

1 comment:

  1. Your Blog is very informative.
    As a new ArdyssLife Distributor,
    I am doing the same things you did.
    I am trying to find what successful
    people did to be successful. Great tips.
