Friday, April 27, 2012


social-media-plrHow would enjoy suddenly having the ability to make $1000 – $2000 in 24 hours with social media PLR products?

It would be absolutely awesome!

But what prevents online entrepreneurs back…preventing you from creating high quality content that drives leads and provides you the profits you deserve…is something that I believe 95% of online marketers suffer from.

I call it the “content coma.”

First let me tell you what it is an how you can avoid it so you can really start making money online.

How People Are Missing Out On The Money Online (Do You Feel Like This?)

Information rules the Internet and to compete in the  online social media world you have to be able to attract thousands upon thousands of people to your site if you want to make any money. Content is king online. The more high quality content you create, the better your chances are of getting found online, generating leads and converting those leads to sales.

But what do you do when you don’t have the time or skill to create the type of high quality content your social media audience demands! Aren’t you tired of racking your brain for fresh ideas to write about? Don’t you wish you could be raking in profits without actually having to do all of the grunt work? As entrepreneurs we are all building businesses to not only make money but to be able to send time enjoying the money we do make. PLR gives that leisure!

“You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to have a fresh idea!” – Click To Tweet

If you are still on the fence about using social media PLR products then you are potentially missing out on one of the easiest and fastest ways to making money online.  For those of you who are not familiar with PLR, quickly put, Private Label Rights (PLR) products give you the ability to rewrite or re-purpose content that was created by someone else and use it as if it were your own.  You have the right to edit them in any way you like and then turn around and resell them for a profit. With this article I will show you how to make money with PLR products by giving them away.

How To Wake Up and Start Making Real Money Online With Lead Generating PLR

Now that we know what lead generating PLR can actually do for your business and life…

If you want to build an targeted audience and wow those potential customers with awesome content and info-products worth paying for then you’ll love these tips.

Things You’ll Need

  • High Quality PLR product or products
  • Squeeze page or optin box
  • A will to start making some real money the simple way

So, without further ado, let’s get into the good stuff. Just follow these steps below.


1. Find A product to give away

Giving away PLR products is an easy and effective way to build your email list. If you’ve been a reader of this blog for any length of time you know that I preach time and time again that the money is in your list.

Having a list is very important as these are the people you will be promoting and marketing to as long as they are subscribers on your list.  The first thing you need to do is find a high quality, lead generating PLR product to offer to your visitors for free. Notice I didn’t say just any PLR. To do this right please do not give away junk. It will not only hurt your business, it will hurt your online reputation in the long run.

As a matter of fact, did you know you can get high quality PLR content by doing a search on Google for “plr products”. You can also get some really great PLR products from by checking out the goods here.

Did you know you can get a FREE copy of our eBook: PLR Profit Secrets? If you enjoy this post please take a few seconds and leave an honest review. It would be a huge help.

2. Rebrand and add your affiliate links

Once you find a well-written plr product that you can use as a list builder you will want to do the following:

  • Change the title
  • Create a new custom ebook or product cover
  • Write a bio page and personalize the content adding a little bit of your own personality
  • Add your domain name to the header and footer sections of your ebook
  • Go through it and add links to your affiliate products.
  • Add a promo section where you can drive traffic to a paid product or your email list
This is how you will make money. Since you are giving away valuable content in exchange for a name and email address the way you make your money is on the back end.
This is why it is extremely important to give away some of your best PLR content for free. If you pick a really good product it won’t be difficult to make money online referring your readers to different programs that will be beneficial to them. That mean you must offer content that is useful, actionable and gets the reader results.

Your squeeze page is where you will collect the name and email address of your potential customers. Sometimes your PLR product will come with a squeeze page already included. I have placed a link in the resource section a to a sample of a squeeze page. You are welcome to use it and edit it in any way you need to.

3. Get traffic to your squeeze page

Once you have re-branded, remixed and updated your affiliate links to your product it’s time to create a squeeze page or opt in form that will allow you to capture leads from traffic that visits your page.

You can never have enough traffic but you also want to keep in mind that they key is to not just rack up leads, the key to success here is to get laser targeted traffic.

There are boatload of ways to promote your lead generating PLR products on the web:

  • article marketing
  • forum marketing
  • social media marketing
  • banner ads
  • facebook ppc
  • document sharing sites

The more content you have out there promoting your PLR product, the more traffic you’ll attract and the more people you’ll have subscribing to your email list. The more people you have signing up, the more opportunities you have to make sales through your affiliate and recommended products.

What Does This Mean For You?

This means more money!

…and now you can do the happy dance.

Don’t forget to check out our FREE Guide: “PLR Profit Secret.”

Now let me know what you thought about this blog post by leaving a comment below.

If you enjoyed this article, get email updates  along with our epic social media starter’s kit (it’s free.)


Monday, April 16, 2012

Do I Need A Social Media Marketing Mentor?

social-media-marketing-mentorTake a look at all of the well known social media marketers online today. You'll notice that many expanding their job title to include social media marketing mentor. Many of them offer some form of mentoring program, consulting service or one-on-one coaching program. Yes, successful social media marketers these days are moving in to the mentoring side of social media marketing...Why?

Because there is an extremely high demand particularly amongst new marketers and small business owners and it's just a smart idea to share that knowledge with others while creating a secondary income stream online. We've talked a lot about multiple income stream creation on this blog and I encourage any of you who hold expert knowledge on a specific topic to consider coaching and consulting services to boost your income.

Many social media and online marketers out there take it for granted that basic knowledge to them should be basic knowledge to everyone, but to a novice who's jumping online for the first time, establishing a successful business on the internet may be the hardest thing to learn. On the other hand a social media marketing mentor who doesn’t overlook the fact that beginners may not know a single thing about marketing on social networks can help these new marketers to become successful while cutting down their learning curve and increasing their profits significantly.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Power of Rest - Entrepreneur Habits To Live By

the-power-of-restAs entrepreneurs it's easy to be in a constant state of go-go-go. We are always building, growing, networking, learning, consulting, creating, working...and unless someone taps you on the shoulder to tell you to slow down, you might run yourself right into the ground.

Building a successful business requires you to be fast paced, motivated and energy filled. You must be at the top of your game at all times but when should you slow down to move forward?

After two years of grinding it out online, I looked up one day and found myself drained, unmotivated and stressed out. My business was stagnant, even though I was working harder than ever, my family felt neglected even though the very reason I was working so hard was to give them the lifestyle they deserve, and I found myself sacrificing the joys of life even though I was making money.

Then one day I just dropped it all. The client calls, the blog posts, the emails, the facebook updates. All stopped. No people, no noise, no technology, no distractions, no social media marketing to-do-list. Just me and my thoughts. For 3 days I didn't check an email, write a blog post, or talk to a client.

It was one of the hardest things I've done.

Being idle can be scary. It causes us to occupy our time and use our thoughts in a new way. Being idle is not just about slowing down, but tuning in, paying attention more to ourselves than our daily business tasks. All the chatter and activity is gone and we are left alone to simply rest.

The Power of Rest

You get to slow down: See and appreciate the world around you. Think about your life without constantly reacting to the thousands of demands your business throws at you each day.

You do things you'd never do: When you pull away from your business, your priority changes. Life gets simpler. You can observe, explore, and engage more than you ever would when in the depths of running your business. Intentional time to do other things - no matter what what they are- can be valuable for us all.

You learn to appreciate self: Spending time focusing on you and not your business allows you to get to know yourself just a little bit better. You get to be yourself, not worry about the demand and opinions of others, and you can find comfort in appreciating your own company and what it takes to be happy throughout the day.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Rest Days

1. Schedule it. Pick at least one day or ideally a full weekend or few days to rest each month. This means setting an appointment with yourself and your family where you turn off the computer, put down the phone and unplug the business mind.

2. Get our of Town. Rest is best experienced when you put yourself in a new environment. As entrepreneurs and business owners, many of us work from home or carry elements of our business into our homes at the end of the day. It helps to break the pattern of everyday life and to-dos by getting out of dodge completely and inserting yourself into new surroundings.

3. Find Your Happy Place. Your happy place is anywhere you can go and instantly feel refreshed, revamped and re-energized. This could be the beach, your childhood home, a friends summer home or a tent in your backyard. It's a place without distractions, where you can meditate, be quiet and focus inward on self. Your happy place is one where you have no choice but to slow down and take some time for yourself.

4. Reconnect With Nature: Tap in to the calming elements of nature. There is something refreshing about the trickle of water or the feel of green grass under your feet. Connecting with nature immediately calms your nerves and the desire to get a million things done all at once. Surrounding yourself with fresh air, sunlight, the bright colors and sounds of the outdoors is some of the best stress killing therapy you can find.

5. Ask Yourself Big Questions: Once you get away from the outside noise, you can finally ask yourself the questions that really matter. What am I passionate about? What have I accomplished and am I on track to achieving my goals? What is my purpose? How is my current work impacting others? The point of this is to dig deep and take the time to learn more about who you are as a person.

Taking Back The Time You Deserve

Life is just too complicated, too fast and too demanding to not reserve some time to ourselves and our families every once in a while. It's not just about resting and taking time away from your business, it's about getting unplugged, eliminating stress and balancing your priorities in life. For those of you who claim you don't have time because you always "have business to take care of", you are the ones who need it most.

Trust me, I was there with you.

When you hit walls in your business this might be because you are burnt out with all the effort and hours you are putting in. The only reason your business can fail is if you can't sustain it. Make sure you switch off every once in a while, go to the spa, take a trip or a vacation –push the reset button then come back and kill it!

Marketing campaigns, reports, client projects and emails will always be there waiting for you. Success in your life is just as important if not more than success in your business. Get used to taking time to rest, to reevaluate and re-energize. Make it a priority in your life. Your body, your mind and your business will thank you for it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Your Small Business Started on Pinterest

Solo-entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even large corporations have taken notice of the new kid on the block. Pinterest is all the buzz in the social media realm and marketers no matter how hard you try - you can't ignore Pinterest any longer. Pinterest is that fastest-growing social site around and it has become so popular it is driving more traffic than Google+ to retailers’ sites. That will make you perk up! This virtual pinboard is addictive to say the least but what is Pinterest and how can you use this social site to boost your business or brand?

What Is Pinterest?

What is pinterest

Pinterest is a virtual pinboard to organize and share the things you love.

Pinterest is a social network that allows users to share and discover interesting images and videos online. These images, once uploaded to the site, are known as Pins. Users can either upload images from their computer or pin things they find on the web using the pinterest bookmarklet, pin it button, or just a url. Users can place these pins on boards customized under a common theme.

Pinterest Lingo

  • Pin: an image added to Pinterest
  • PinBoard: a set of theme-based themes
  • Pinning: the act of visually sharing content
  • Repin: reposting somebody else’s pin
  • Pin it Button: button that can be placed on websites to facilitate sharing on Pinterest. Pins added using the Pin it button link back to the site they came from.
  • Pinner: the person who does the sharing

Visitors can browse Pinterest and view items other users have pinned and ‘like,” “repin” or “comment” on them Getting Started on Pinterest

Pinterest still operates under an invitation-only basis and you must enter your email address to get on a waiting list to become a pinner. However, this should only take a couple of days. If you know a pinner who already has a pinterest account you can ask them to invite you which is a much quicker way to gain access than waiting for pinterest to grant your request

Visit, click “request an Invite,” and enter your email address. You will be notified when you have access to create your account. Once you’ve received your invite, you’ll want to sign up through the Twitter option, not the facebook option. This will enable you to tie your pinterest account to your business’ Twitter account, not your personal facebook profile. Currently, pinterest doesn’t offer a connection to facebook business pages. How to start using Pinterest As with any social network, you wan to find ways to leverage the massive amounts of traffic flowing through the site. To do this you want to establish a following. To do this you’ll

What To Pin on Pinterest

content. This includes pictures that demonstrate:

  • Company Culture
  • Customer Testimonials
  • Products Covers and Images
  • Videos
  • Ideas
  • etc.

Brands Doing It Right on Pinterest

So what kind of brand or business promotes on Pinterest? The quick answer...The smart ones! From global, non-profit organizations to small, home grown businesses, Pinterest is proving a good fit for offline and online organizations alike. Here is a list of 2 brands doing it right on Pinterest:

Etsy: With more than 50,000 followers, this online shopping website is one of the most popular on Pinterest. No surprise to find the online vintage and hand-made marketplace on Pinterest. The two seem perfectly fitted for each other. Etsy creates pinboards that show you how you can make your own products and how to put their products to work in your daily life, which again, emphasizes the lifestyle philosophy that pinterest promotes.


Sevenly: Sevenly is a charity based t-shirt designer that pins the images they use for inspiration, t-shirts they’ve created and quotes they call Sevenlyisms. The combination of business and personality make it a great pinner to follow.


There are many more brands building a solid following and driving traffic to their sites on Pinterest and while the actual measure of return on time spent is to be seen, it is definitely a site you will want to get established with.

If you can pinpoint how your products fit in to the lives of your ideal customer you can use Pinterest as a social tool to build brand awareness and grow your profits.

Think Pinterest is a good fit your small business or solo-brand? Get our Complete Pinterest Marketing Guide FREE Right Here...It's our gift to you!

How are you using Pinterest to grow your business? Have you dived in to yet another social network yet? Let us know what you think in the comments below.