Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How To Build A Better Email List on BetterNetworker

Email List Marketing - 5 Steps To Building Better Relationships With Your List

"Hey, My name is Andrea."

"Hi Andrea. Nice to meet you!"

"Would you like to buy my online course? It's only $47 bucks and I guarantee it will teach you all you need to know about building a business online...Hello...HELLO?!

No matter which end of the conversation you are on, it's not pleasant for either. I didn't get my sell and you feel bothered and annoyed!

Cold selling, which is similar to "cold calling," is when someone who doesn't know you, doesn't know what you want or what you are looking for, tries to pitch you something without a warranted invitation. Cold selling does not work. You may be able to luck up and get a sale here or there but if you value your time and your dignity, you cannot cold sell, especially if you want to create a successful business online.

Do you like getting calls from telemarketers? Do you like signing up for email newsletters expecting value, only to be slapped with offers? Do you click links for products on facebook or in tweets from people you haven't heard of?

I can't tell you how many times a day I get phone calls, emails, and facebook messages showing me some kind of cold offer. Cold selling is the fastest way to lose credibility and respect from people who may have eventually purchased from you and maybe even help you promote and market your products.

  • So the question is, how can we as internet entrepreneurs, bloggers, and online network marketers sell something to people online, without cold selling?

The answer is simple:  Turn cold traffic warm by building a RELATIONSHIP with your list.

Relationships create trust, credibility, security... Build a relationship with your list and you'll quickly find that the cold selling dissipates. Become their friend, be real, be candid, invite them to interact and engage with you. The more you interact with your list the better chance you'll have of them sticking around and helping you out in the future. Whether it is sharing your next blog posts, linking to you on their website, buying something from you, or becoming an affiliate.

Here are 5 super simple ways you can interact and engage with your list so you can begin to build and solidify those so important relationships.

1. Be Present

There is no way to build a relationship with your list if you are hiding all the time. Be upfront, be authentic, tell people exactly who you are, what you do and what you are all about! I am a big proponent of being candid and transparent. That is one of the reasons why this blog has as successful as it has.

If you can create content and provide information that let's your personality shine through, you are primed for connecting with readers on a deeper level. Show your picture every once in a while, share your family photos. People will be attracted to what you have to say and what you have to offer. So make sure you put your face on your website...and don't forget to smile!

I mean really, how many successful blogs have you come across that don't have a face or personality connected to it?

2. Comments Bring Your Blog To Life

Another great way to build relationships is to get the other party to interact with you. There is not easier way to do this than with commenting. If people take time to fill out their name, website, and email address when making a comment, that's time they are giving to you. That's time they are contributing to the vitality of  your website.

Not only will people ask you questions or add to what you've posted about, but it will encourage others to step out and do the same. So make sure you ask for comments! Encourage your readers! Talk about things that will get them commenting!

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below =)

3.  Respond!

For every comment that someone makes on your blog or website, it is important to respond and to engage back. Let your readers know you are listening to them and appreciate their feedback. It may take you a little bit more time or add a few extra minutes of work to your day but it is simple to do. Responding to people's comments, emails, and inquiries is the next best thing to meeting that person and having a conversation with them

People do notice and appreciate when you take the time to respond. They'll remember the gesture and feel a sense of connection. So when you do post something or offer a product, they will be much more inclined to give it a look.

4. Network, Network, Network

Joining social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and becoming friends with people of similar interest is a great way to get to know people in ways that others do not. Some of the greatest business success I've had has come from friendships I've built with friends online.

By simply accepting a friend request, you are planting the seeds to a new relationship. How you nurture and cultivate that seed is up to you but the more seeds you plant to more chances you have of developing long lasting and meaningful relationship.

Make sure you give people the opportunity to because your friend on the various social media platforms. Include links in your blog posts, in your sidebar or in your emails just like I did above.

5. Take Baby Steps

A great way to set yourself up for a sell is to prime your traffic with baby transactions. Take them through the process of Thought ==> Action ==> Receive. These are small things like:

  • Answering a survey
  • Entering contact info into an opt-in form for a weekly newsletter
  • Entering contact info into an opt-in form for a free gift
  • Offering a prize or reward for taking some type of action

These baby transactions train the mind, so that when you offer a product your traffic actually has to pay for, they are not paralyzed by the unknown, but a re comfortable because they trust you and have gone through the thought process before.

So based on your experience...which one of these steps has made the most impact on your online business?

Want To Learn How To Start Building Your Email List - Access The Free Video Training Now

Monday, July 25, 2011

Find Free Quality Traffic For Your Online Business in 4 Simple Steps

Have you seen this article on BetterNetworker? Learn where to find FREE quality traffic for your online business

Check it out now!

Andra Bolder


Quality traffic for your online business always outweighs the quantity traffic your website sees. As you may know, quality traffic is buying traffic and traffic that buys means more product sales and more profits for you. Too many marketers focus on the number of leads they collect for their email mailing list versus targeting people who are more likely to be interested in your product, service or business opportunity.

When you have the right tools and resources you can hone in on the quality traffic for your online business and stop wasting time with traffic that is never going to buy from you. This means that for those of you in the home based business industry – perhaps internet marketers, network marketers, or affiliate marketers – focusing on the following free traffic tips will help you convert more traffic into sales. Finding a quality stream of traffic is extremely easy when you have the right resources. This way you don’t need as much traffic to get some awesome results.

Free Quality Traffic For Your Online Business – Tip #1

Capitalize On Facebook. Facebook is the king of content and targeted marketing. Their whole social networking platform is based on grouping people together that share similar interests. You have the ability to target quality traffic for your online business based on the books they read, their education level, down to where they live. Once you learn how to tap into this endless pool of prospects…all your traffic problems are over.

Free Quality Traffic For Your Online Business – Tip #2

Use Syndication Tribes. Syndication tribes are the ultimate bloggers paradise. A tribe is where you can share your content and have it syndicated or submitted to Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, Digg, etc. by others in the group in exchange for sharing a few posts of theirs. It’s the law of reciprocity. You share my content and I’ll share yours on all the social network and bookmarking sites on the internet. Pretty simple concept, but EXTREMELY POWERFUL!

In fact this tactic is SO powerful that if you are just getting started online it will help you get tons of quality backlinks AND your blog posts will get shared by thousands of others which will help you build up your daily traffic and leads fast. You can join a syndication tribe for free here to start getting your content shared. I HIGHLY recommend that you take advantage of the paid trial period so you can immediately being to use the auto-syndicate feature. This way you are running on autopilot and you don’t have to worry about manually sharing individual tribe member’s content. You can also have others automatically send out your content each time you publish a post too.  I get hundreds and hundreds of shares on the content I create using this tool.

Join a syndication tribe for more quality traffic for your online business

Free Quality Traffic For Your Online Business – Tip #3

Focus on Forums. With social media being all the rave, forums tend not to get as much credit as they deserve. Sites such as BettwerNetworker and Warrior Forum are great niche specific communities of network marketers, internet marketers and affiliate marketers. These sites get tons of quality traffic and you can find people who are involved in home based businesses, many of whom are just getting started. These sites are excellent for posting content, participating in discussions and connecting with people who are actually looking for some guidance. By posting quality content and posting it as an article you can attract massive traffic as these sites are high authority sites with high pageranks and are popular with google.

Free Quality Traffic For Your Online Business – Tip #4

Hypnotic Headlines. What good is it to implement all of these quality traffic building strategies if no one reads your content. Whether you are in a tribe, on BetterNetworker, or posting on Facebook. you must be able to attract targeted traffic and grab peoples attention. Too many people neglect the power of a good headline and even more neglect choosing a keyword that people are actually searching for. You must have a good, descriptive, engaging headline with a targeted keyword phrase that draws people in and makes them want to read more about what you have to say. Don’t you look at the TITLE of the blog post, video or article first before deciding if you want click through to continue viewing?

Think about what kind type of people you want to attract with your content. Do you want the kind of people who are serious about building a business from home and genuinely looking to invest money on quality products? I do! Be careful how you craft your headline and before your hit publish, ask yourself if your ideal prospect would click this link.

By implementing these free quality traffic tips you can begin to drive targeted traffic to your blog quickly. If you want to learn more about how to get more traffic, more leads and more sales online click the link below!

Increase Quality Traffic Overnight

Friday, July 22, 2011

Email List Marketing - BetterNetworker

Have you seen this great article on BetterNetworker - How to do effective email list marketing for a more responsive email list. Check it out now!

Automatic Article Marketing Submission Tool

Learn how to submit your articles in less than 5 minutes with this easy article marketing submission tool.


5 minute article marketing submission toolIn today’s post I am going to share with you a simple, 5 minute article marketing submission tool for more free leads. Having a quick and easy article marketing tool that drives traffic to your site can mean the difference between a few leads and a lot of leads from your article marketing efforts.

Article Marketing is a good promotional tool to drive free and targeted traffic to your sites. In fact, many top internet network marketers still use article marketing to get more leads, make more sales and sign up more reps into their business opportunity. If article marketing in not a part of your daily marketing strategy it should be and I am going to show you how in just a few minutes a day you can use an article marketing submission tool for more free leads.

  • Quick Tip on Article Marketing – Re-purpose your content by creating a blog post with a minimum of 500 words. Submit that same blog post to high quality article directories. Next take your article save it as a PDF and upload it to top reading  and publishing sites such as Scribd. Take bullet points and summarize your article in a video tutorial. You can then use that same and make an information product out of it for more sales and profits online. Think webinars, ebooks and video eCourses. Now you have 5 different medias of content that can all magnify your lead generation efforts!

The main problem for internet network marketers looking to do article marketing is that it is a very time consuming traffic generation method. It takes time to brainstorm a topic, do keyword research and write your content. Then once your content has been created you must effectively promote it to maximize your traffic.

For these very reasons, many struggling internet network marketers I know have all put given up on article marketing.

Now all of the challenges I have just mentioned are true but it doesn’t have to be this way if you have the right tools. What if you could implement a daily routine where it took you less than 5 minutes to automatically submit your articles to high-ranking traffic sites such as,, and a lot more other authority article sites.

Doesn’t it just make since to submit your content to a hand-full of high racking sites verses spinning your content into unreadable garbage that no one can read just to get low quality back links? Since I’ve started online, I have tried about 4 different article submission software programs and all but one have proven to be more of a headache than given the real results they claimed they could. No one has the time, money or energy to input hundreds  of captcha codes and deal with failed submissions.

The mark of a great article submission tool is one that is quick, easy and convenient!

Here is a short video tutorial of the 5 minute article marketing submission tool I use every day to drive quality back links to this site and generate more free leads.


Ever since I started using this tool I’ve been able to write more articles, submit them quickly and generate more leads.  It’s that simple.


If you want more traffic and free leads check out this 5 minute article marketing submission tool here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Email List Marketing - How Effective Are Your Email List Marketing Campaigns

email list marketingThe money is really is in the list, so why are you treating your email list like your in-laws. Simply tolerating them just to get what you want. Successful online marketers understand that the hidden secrets to effective email list marketing starts with the quality of your connection to your list.

Effective email list marketing is one of the most important pieces to network marketing success online.  If you are not building a list or not taking care of the one you have you might as well be throwing money out the window. It’s as simple as that. The thing is, even if you’re able to build a massive list, it doesn’t matter unless you know how to do the following:

  1. Understand the power of email copywriting
  2. Understand the importance of building relationships

With so much focus put into online lead generation, it can be difficult to figure out what to do with those leads once you’ve gotten them. Maximizing your profits online comes down to building a responsive email list and if you follow the hidden secrets I am going to lay out for you, you’ll be able to make every subscriber count.

Look, it took me months to learn how to my create an effective email list marketing campaign and to get my list to “respond” to me. I had leads that I had no clue what to do with. I was scared to engage with them on a personal level via email and even more scared to pick up the phone and call them. I’ve been there, so don’t feel bad if you’ve been neglecting your email list as well. It’s just that no one taught you how to build your list the right way.

So How Do You Build A Responsive Email List?

1. Getting Started

Let’s get into the basics of the email list marketing blueprint. To use these tips you need to actually have an email list. If you are not building your list yet, get started by using an autoresponder service like Aweber to manage your leads and the messages that get sent out. You can sign up for the $1 trial and start having them manage your subscribers and your messages.

  • Here’s a really great training tutorial if you are looking for more information on How To Build A List.

The most crucial aspect to building your list is to actually determine what you want to get out of your list. Do you want to turn leads in to more reps for your network marketing opportunity? Are you an affiliate marketing that is looking to promote a number of different products and or services in a particular niche? Maybe you just want to build a pool of customers. Every email you write must have a very specific purpose so know what it is that you want to achieve before you send out your first email message.

2. Follow Up vs. Brodcast Messages

Now speaking of email messages…it is extremely important NOT to use pre-canned follow up messages. I started building my email list with months of “default” messages from the lead generation system I was a part of and it literally killed my list. As many people as I had subscribing I had unsubscribing as well. As I was opting in to other marketers lists, I noticed that I was sending out the same emails as they were. Then it clicked! As I learned the hard way, you develop a strong list by building a more personal relationship with your subscribers. You need to let your subscribers in and the sooner you open up the more they’ll be able to connect with you on a personal level that in turn opens them up to trusting your recommendations and requests.

Your email list is your most valuable asset and you need to treat it like the precious gem that it is! Make sure that you are supplying your list with fresh content that is unique to you. This will attract more people to you and you will also be branding yourself while providing tons of value. You want people to opt-in because of YOU!

3. Write Hypnotic Copy

How you write your emails will determine how much money you make from your email list. Just as you would in an article or blog post, you must have a subject that grabs your readers attention. It must stand out like a shiny new penny amongst the heap of junk and trash that inundates our email boxes daily. If you don’t have a hypnotic headline then no one is even going to read what you wrote and they sure aren’t going to get to what you are promoting. So you need to have a kick butt subject line and email content that piques curiosity and has your target wanting more.

Here are some of my most effective email messages where I got open rates over 30%. They are either questions or a topic that didn’t really even have anything to do with the content that was inside the email.

  • You Want To Make Money Right?
  • Vegas Bound…
  • 30 Seconds To Reveal The Leaks In Your Business
  • What Does Freedom Mean To You?

What made these subject lines effective was that they engaged the reader by asking them a question or it got them curious enough about what the email was about to go ahead and open it. Your subject lines don’t have to be totally random, just play around with new ideas and concepts. Think about the emails you open and which ones you trash, then model your headlines after what gets you to take action.

4. Email Your List Often

The truth is this…I buy from people who email me often! Maybe it’s those extra exposures, or the fact that I feel like I have a better “relationship” with them or know them better. It may even be that I just learned more from them because they were constantly sending me high quality content. But whatever the reason, I know that I tend to buy from people who send me more than the occasional email….And since this is what I respond to I am looking for the same type of people. I’m looking for the type of people who are hungry about learning, who want to know more, I’m looking for people who are serious about building their business, committed to moving toward success each and every day and actually want to hear from me every day.

Look, my feelings are never hurt when people unsubscribe from my list because those people are not the type of people I am looking to connect with. If you can’t handle the daily value I provide, then move on to another list. It’s up to you how often you want to email your list. I choose to email my list almost every day. As with everything else in life do what feels comfortable to you AND what you can do maintain with a level of consistency. Just keep in mind that it is your duty to give your subscribers regular value so there is not doubt in their mind  just how committed you are to them and to your online business.

 5. Use The Secrecy Factor

Always use “the secrecy factor”. Why? Because it works!! The secrecy factor will make people want to click on your links. For example:

  • “NAME, can you believe it. Look at what they’ve been hiding from us. This is so top secret that I am not sure how much longer the video is going to be up and it’s probably going to be taken down any minute now.

This works because people like to discover, uncover and unlock “secrets”…especially when they think no one else is looking. LOL! It’s just human nature!

What Can You Start Doing Tomorrow For More Effective Email List Marketing?

  1. Introduce yourself to your list. Send them an introductory email telling them a little bit about who you are, your story, your purpose and where you are going with your business. Your list needs to know the person behind the email.
  2. Know when you are going to send out your emails. Develop an routine and be consistent.
  3. Make sure you are staying in front of your readers and subscribers.
  4. Use a call to action! If you are going to make money from your list, you have to ask them to buy. Some people are so afraid to ask their list to take action. If you never ask, you’ll never receive.
  5. Take the time to research email marketing strategies that work. Not everything that works for one persons list will work on yours. So continue to learn new tricks, expand your knowledge base about copy writing and effective email list marketing and try new things out.

Even the smallest of lists can make huge profits. It’s about knowing what to say, keeping your subscribers engaged and knowing what it is that you want to do with your list. Effective email list marketing is not as scary as you think. Take baby steps and above all else make sure you are actively connecting and strengthening your relationships with your subscribers. The stronger your relationships, the more money you will make!

Click Here To Learn How To Start Building Your Own Effective Email List

Monday, July 18, 2011

Income Working Online From Home

have you seen the latest on Better Networker? Find out how to get started making income working online from home.

Income Working Online From Home - Where To Start When Looking To Make Income at Home?

inome working online from homeThinking about building an income online from home? Or perhaps you are already trying to work from home but aren’t getting the results you desire. Well if you are nodding your head yes to both of these statements, then this article is for you. Today I am going to outline the key components for having a successful online business.

1. Generating Traffic To Your Site

So you’ve got your blog or website set up…you’ve picked the perfect theme, chosen the perfect colors, got your fancy header uploaded and but in tons of hours getting everything just right. Then you notice you are getting no visitors to your site.

I remember when I first started building an income online from home, I stayed up night and day getting every plugin, image and widget just right. I thought, I have this awesome looking blog, I’ll just start writing some content and people will flood to my site. It pains me to think about how naive I was as a newbie marketer. Well I may have been naive but I wasn’t dumb and I quickly began to realize that I need to find effective ways to generate traffic for my site.

Well, let me tell you, over the 8 months or so that I have been building an income working online from home, I’ve found some HOT sources of traffic and since I don’t like to be the only one having fun at the party I want to share with you a few ways to drive traffic.

  • Take the time to do keyword research to ensure that your target market is finding your site on the search engines. A little bit of SEO goes a long way.
  • Blog your heart out! Blogging is the one of the most powerful ways to build an income working online from home. Blogging is relevant, it is interactive, it creates a since of community and it is the one place that you can showcase what you have to offer to your target community. Your blog is the core of everything you do online and every marketing strategy, social media fan, and article you write should in some way link back to your blog!
  • Create content that is relevant and that will help solve people’s problems. As much as you would like to write about any ole’ thing. Any ole thing doesn’t make money. You need to know what your target market wants to know so you can write content that attracts them to you.
  • Make sure you are generating backlinks to your content. Submit your blog posts to high ranking article directories and bookmarking sites to build your backlinks. Each time you put a piece of content out on the internet make sure you link back to your site in the author resource box or description box.
  • Get friendly with social media. Social media is HOT and it is a great way to build a strong network of followers by searching for others that share common interests as you. Learn how to interact with your fans, followers and subscribers so that you are building a relationship with them. Social media is for networking right? So go out there and share your life, your experiences, your likes and dislikes with your audience. Reach out and connect with people in a genuine way, because you truly want to get to know them not because you just want to get them in your business.

2. Building Your Email List

You’ve heard me say this a thousands times on this blog. The money is in the list. When working online from home the larger your list, the more depth your potential buyers pool is, the more income you will make. By collecting the contact details of visitors that comes to your site (email address and name please!) you are able to start developing relationships with leads that are interested in what you have to offer them. Even if they don’t buy something from you for 8 months, but remain on your list, you still have the opportunity to generate future income from each lead on your list. As your list increases so will your income and the best part about building a list is that you can get repeat business. So treat it with care.

3.The Power in Relationships

So speaking of relationships.  I have people on my list that buy almost every product I recommend because I have established with them a level of trust, credibility and responsibility when promoting products that I know are going to help them build their business the right way instead of promoting every single product that looks like it can make me a few bucks. I learned a long time ago that the foundation to any successful business is in the connections you have with your prospects.

Interacting, connecting, and reaching out with genuine interest is so very important, particularly in a social media world where everyone is trying to slap you in the face with the product or business opportunity of the day. Look we all have things we want and need to promote in order to make an income but ask yourself how much more effective you would be at building a loyal following of fans and buyers if you just took the time to get to know them. Ask questions on you Facebook fan page, share details about your personal life, your family, the things you enjoy in life. A relationship is not a relationship is it is one-sided. Give of yourself and I guarantee you will receive.

The same applies when connecting with you email list. It is always important to share valuable information and products that can help your readers – but don’t forget to engage in conversation with them, get them involved, let them know you care about their feedback, ask them what you an do for them. Share your purpose, your vision, your message. Help them to understand why you do what you do. This is what makes you money. This is where the sale is made!

So these are my 3 quick tips to the beginnings of building an income working online. We all have to start somewhere, right? So why not start online the right way.

If you would like to learn more about how to get started working online from home I have put together a FREE training webinar – Get Access Here – which will have you up and running in your first 24 hours of building your network marketing business online

Friday, July 15, 2011

Internet Network Marketing Business - 5 Steps On How To Get Your Networking Business Online

start internet network marketing businessIt’s powerful. It effective. It can explode your business. So what is an internet network marketing business anyways? The name internet network marketing is a a combination of two industries – internet marketing, a term used for marketing a product or business on the internet and network marketing, a term used for marketing a product or opportunity using word-of-mouth.

If you have been in network marketing for any length of time you have probably had someone in your upline tell you that there is no possible way to build a successful network marketing business online and that they only way to do it is to make a list of everyone you know on planet earth, call them and offer them the chance to partner with you in your business opportunity. Well this is one way to do it but doing it this way also limits your access to pool of resources that can help you build your network marketing business faster and with less rejection if you know how to do it properly!

Now we all know that social media is HOT, HOT, HOT!! I mean smoking HOT! You may be wondering if you can actually build your network marketing business on the internet when all you’ve ever been taught was how to take to your warm market and pass out fliers at the mall.

Well, I am going to show you what it takes to start succeeding in your internet network marketing business, how to do it right,  and how to utilize the internet to ATTRACT people who already know about network marketing, want to the the best at it, understand the power of it and are willing to work for it.

Ask yourself this question…Isn’t the best person to recruit into your network marketing business someone who WANTS to succeed?

5 Steps For Starting Your Internet Network Marketing Business

Set Up a Blog! 

This is the hub, your headquarters online. This is where you craft and distribute all of the content you create online. I highly recommend you use a self-hosted wordpress blog. Why? With a wordpress blog you own your content and since you are in business for yourself don’t you think you should own your own content? I mean you can get a free blogger or blog BUT this means that they can remove your content if you violate any of their terms or policies.

So if you are a serious internet network marketer the best move is to get a domain name from (use discount code cjc749fat to get a discount off your domain name) and set up hosting through hostgator. It is inexpensive, it’s professional and it is customizable. You can build your blog anyway you like.

A blog is the very best way to get found on google and the other search engines, it’s the best way to build an interactive community of people who share similar interest and it is easy to integrate with social media which can make your blog VIRAL for even more traffic.

Create Quality Content

What do want to learn as a network marketing building your business online? What challenges do you face getting traffic, generating leads or making sales? What strategies and tips have you learned that you know other marketers would love to get their hands on so they can start seeing the results they want? If you can stay in tune to what people need to know and the solutions they are looking for you will become a valuable asset not only to your business but to others as well.

For example, one of the biggest challenges in building an internet network marketing business is how to generate leads. Learn about how to overcome the lack of leads and share what you learn on your blog. By helping other marketers solve this issue you are becoming an authority on the topic and you will begin to ATTRACT people to you who want to learn from you and possibly partner with you in business.

Drive Traffic To Your Content

So what do you do with the quality content you create. You SHARE it! Use social media, forums, and other sites to drive traffic to your blog. You can share your links on Facebook, Twitter, social  bookmarking sites such a StumbleUpon and Delicious. Start following people within your niche that share your same interests so you can start driving them to your site.

Build Your Mailing List

Use autoresponder software, such as Aweber or iContact, to start generating leads for your business. When a person takes the time to put their contact details in to your opt-in box, then you know that they want to learn more (or maybe they just want that free gift). You can continue to send them follow-up emails, tips, and training through your autoresponder to build relationship with them. Take a look at the layout of my blog to see how many opportunities my readers have to opt in to my mailing list if they are interested in learning more about internet network marketing. By building a substantial list you have the chance to recruit people into your business as you continue to build trust with them.

Be Consistent

 Maybe the most important of them all -BE CONSISTENT. So many times people quit before they really breakthrough in their internet network marketing business because they are not consistent in their daily marketing routine. They don’t see the massive results they expect or “see” others getting so they give up too quickly. When you are consistent you are dedicated to the entire process of building a successful business online, that means that it takes time, hard work and simple implementation. Building an internet network marketing business is not easy but it is simple. Stay the course and the rewards will be more than you could have ever imagined!

If you want to cut down your learning curve and learn how to get your internet network marketing business started right I put together a free live webinar – seats are limited so get your spot now before they are gone. Get it now. This live training will be FREE for 1 day only.

So don’t miss out – Register now!

Internet Network Marketing Business - 5 Steps On How To Get Your Networking Business Online

start internet network marketing businessIt’s powerful. It effective. It can explode your business. So what is an internet network marketing business anyways? The name internet network marketing is a a combination of two industries – internet marketing, a term used for marketing a product or business on the internet and network marketing, a term used for marketing a product or opportunity using word-of-mouth.

If you have been in network marketing for any length of time you have probably had someone in your upline tell you that there is no possible way to build a successful network marketing business online and that they only way to do it is to make a list of everyone you know on planet earth, call them and offer them the chance to partner with you in your business opportunity. Well this is one way to do it but doing it this way also limits your access to pool of resources that can help you build your network marketing business faster and with less rejection if you know how to do it properly!

Now we all know that social media is HOT, HOT, HOT!! I mean smoking HOT! You may be wondering if you can actually build your network marketing business on the internet when all you’ve ever been taught was how to take to your warm market and pass out fliers at the mall.

Well, I am going to show you what it takes to start succeeding in your internet network marketing business, how to do it right,  and how to utilize the internet to ATTRACT people who already know about network marketing, want to the the best at it, understand the power of it and are willing to work for it.

Ask yourself this question…Isn’t the best person to recruit into your network marketing business someone who WANTS to succeed?

5 Steps For Starting Your Internet Network Marketing Business

Set Up a Blog! 

This is the hub, your headquarters online. This is where you craft and distribute all of the content you create online. I highly recommend you use a self-hosted wordpress blog. Why? With a wordpress blog you own your content and since you are in business for yourself don’t you think you should own your own content? I mean you can get a free blogger or blog BUT this means that they can remove your content if you violate any of their terms or policies.

So if you are a serious internet network marketer the best move is to get a domain name from (use discount code cjc749fat to get a discount off your domain name) and set up hosting through hostgator. It is inexpensive, it’s professional and it is customizable. You can build your blog anyway you like.

A blog is the very best way to get found on google and the other search engines, it’s the best way to build an interactive community of people who share similar interest and it is easy to integrate with social media which can make your blog VIRAL for even more traffic.

Create Quality Content

What do want to learn as a network marketing building your business online? What challenges do you face getting traffic, generating leads or making sales? What strategies and tips have you learned that you know other marketers would love to get their hands on so they can start seeing the results they want? If you can stay in tune to what people need to know and the solutions they are looking for you will become a valuable asset not only to your business but to others as well.

For example, one of the biggest challenges in building an internet network marketing business is how to generate leads. Learn about how to overcome the lack of leads and share what you learn on your blog. By helping other marketers solve this issue you are becoming an authority on the topic and you will begin to ATTRACT people to you who want to learn from you and possibly partner with you in business.

Drive Traffic To Your Content

So what do you do with the quality content you create. You SHARE it! Use social media, forums, and other sites to drive traffic to your blog. You can share your links on Facebook, Twitter, social  bookmarking sites such a StumbleUpon and Delicious. Start following people within your niche that share your same interests so you can start driving them to your site.

Build Your Mailing List

Use autoresponder software, such as Aweber or iContact, to start generating leads for your business. When a person takes the time to put their contact details in to your opt-in box, then you know that they want to learn more (or maybe they just want that free gift). You can continue to send them follow-up emails, tips, and training through your autoresponder to build relationship with them. Take a look at the layout of my blog to see how many opportunities my readers have to opt in to my mailing list if they are interested in learning more about internet network marketing. By building a substantial list you have the chance to recruit people into your business as you continue to build trust with them.

Be Consistent

 Maybe the most important of them all -BE CONSISTENT. So many times people quit before they really breakthrough in their internet network marketing business because they are not consistent in their daily marketing routine. They don’t see the massive results they expect or “see” others getting so they give up too quickly. When you are consistent you are dedicated to the entire process of building a successful business online, that means that it takes time, hard work and simple implementation. Building an internet network marketing business is not easy but it is simple. Stay the course and the rewards will be more than you could have ever imagined!

If you want to cut down your learning curve and learn how to get your internet network marketing business started right I put together a free live webinar – seats are limited so get your spot now before they are gone. Get it now. This live training will be FREE for 1 day only.

So don’t miss out – Register now!