Thursday, October 27, 2011

How To Respond To How Much Money Do You Make in Your Home Business

Really great post on BetterNetworker how to respond to people who ask you how much you make in your mlm?

How To Respond To How Much Money Do You Make in Your MLM?

mlm money answerThere is probably no greater fear that network marketers have than someone asking them Ho Much Money Do You Make?


Whether you are new to network marketing or been in the game for many years but haven’t had much success yet, there will be many times when you will be confronted with this question. I’ve learned a few different ways to respond to the How Much Money Do YOU Make question, but this one I’m going to share with you today is probably to best MLM answer I’ve come across and one I implement and teach to my team.

Everybody Starts At The Bottom.

In the span of a year I was in about 4 different MLM companies. Why? Because I just couldn’t ‘get it’ right. I was a horrible network marketer. I didn’t like to talk to anyone, I was out of my comfort zone and even though I did have some success I really didn’t know how to truly create wealth as a network marketing professional. You’ll soon come to realize that the majority of successful network marketers SUCKED …they started at the bottom but didn’t quit and worked their way up, including myself.


So…What If You Have Not Made Much Money Yet?

When I first started in network marketing I think the very first check I got was like $12. Not anything to really get excited about right!

Now, if someone asked me the question, “Well, Andrea, How much money did you earn your first month?” and I had to respond with the answer, “Well I’ve only made $12.” — that could kill your recruiting! (and actually I did tell someone that and he laughed at me…LOUD!)

I was so embarrassed and quite frankly my feelings were hurt. I immediately got on the Internet and started looking for ways to respond to people who asked me how much money I’ve made in my network marketing business. I came across a discussion on the BetterNetworker Forum, where someone was asking “How much money did you earn your first month?” – this is what he says:

“I wish I knew. I’m still building my fortune. You see, the beauty of network marketing is that you continue to get paid residual income in this business. I’m still earning money off the efforts from my very first month in business!”

How freakin GENIUS is that? So how can you actually build on this statement as you grow your income in this business. Here’s my personal example…As I got better at sponsoring more people and started to build upon my income, I was able to explain that while my income was very little when I first got started, me and my team got busy and I was soon making well over $500 a month which turned into $500 a week when eventually turned in to $500 a day!

Don’t Ever Let Anyone Kill Your Dream Because You Haven’t Made It Yet!

Look whether it takes you a few months or a few years to ‘make it’ in network marketing, don’t let anyone kill your dream of becoming the winning networker you what to be. People will ask you all kinds of questions, they’ll challenge you, they’ll laugh in your face, they’ll tell you’re nuts. People will ask you questions that they wouldn’t even think about asking anyone else. WHY? Because you are trying to get them to do join YOU in business.Would they question a lawyer or ask a lawyer how much they make…Probably not, but you have to realize that lawyers are also not recruiting people to join them in business either (unless they are network marketers too!! LOL!).

So don’t be discouraged, just know that you’ll get there one day if you continue to work hard, continue to invest in yourself, continue to develop your skills and continue to find ways to WIN in your business.

The truth of the matter is that everyone starts at the bottom, so don’t ever let anyone kill your dream on your journey to the top.

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share

Expect Success!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

5 Questions To Ask Before Joining A Home Based Business - Looking into a Home Based Business or making an income from home with MLM? Watch this video to get 5 Questions To Ask Before Joining A Home Bases Business


best home based businessI’ve had quite a few people I’ve met ask me if joining a home based business is the right move for them. And while many people say they want to enjoy a lifestyle of freedom, have more time, and make more money, the truth is not everyone is built to become an home based business owner. Not everyone can handle to rejection, not everyone want to do the work, and not every one is willing to do what it takes to win as a home business owner.

This profession is definitely not for everybody…and that’s ok…but what questions should you ask before joining a home based business to see if it is a good fit for you.

With so many choices and so many different ways to earn income from home, hopefully this post today will help those currently researching home business opportunities.

5 Questions To Ask Before Joining A Home Based Business

1) Are you happy with your money lifestyle right now?

2) Are you living a life that you feel will inspire and impact your children?

3) Are you OK with spending more time with framed pictures of your family on your desk than the real thing?

4) Are you perfectly OK with exchanging your time for a paycheck for the next 20-40 years?

5) Are you 100% happy with the flexibility you have at your current job? Can you take off when you want, can you get up and go when you need to..without having to ask for permission!

If you answered no to one, two, or all of the questions above….Do you get the feeling that NOW may be a good time to be consider finding a way to turn those NOs into Yeses?

It is important not only to know if a home based business is right for you but WHY joining a home based business is right for you. If you don’t have a WHY that will move you to action and keep you motivated when building your home based business, you will probably fall into the network marketing graveyard that so may once excited marketers find themselves in.

Here’s a way to truly help you build your homebased business

When you think of any one of the questions above do any of them give you a feeling frustration, make you annoyed or down right angry? Which questions for lack of a better term…Bring the PAIN! Now what I want you to do is determine what is more painful, going out, meeting new people, talking to them about your business, inviting them to hear about your opportunity or continuing to live a life that lacks control, lacks freedom and lacks possibility.

I hate the idea of not having control over my experiences, or working so hard for someone else that has no loyalty to me, or missing out on the important events in my son’s life. These are the reasons WHY I love building my home based business. I love the freedom, the flexibility, the ability to spend more time with the people I love, doing the things I love, when I want to do them. Things that I couldn’t do while I was working in corporate America. I hope this moves you one step closer to knowing if the MLM lifestyle is the right lifestyle for you and your family!

Still looking for the right home based business! Click here to find out how these 2 Mega Trends Are Creating Serious Wealth Options

Expect Success!

Monday, October 24, 2011

What To Say To Convert MLM Leads into Your Business Opportunity

calling mlm leadsWoohooo! You’ve worked hard and got your first MLM leads. That is awesome. So now what do you do those leads? What’s the next step?

These are probably the most common concerns that newbie marketers ask me. Today’s post is doing to break down and dissect exactly what you need to do and say to covert your MLM leads to new reps in your business or affiliate income opportunity.

How to reach out to MLM Leads You’ve Met In Person

Local leads are the very best leads leads to have. When you are out and meeting people at local meetups, networking events, or even at the grocery store you want to follow up ASAP. The longer it takes for you to call them back, the less likely they will recall meeting you, having given you their information and the greater chance you will have of NOT converting them.

1. “Hey, this is ____ (your full name). I met you ____(ex. yesterday at the savvy women entrepreneurs meet up)  and I am just calling you to let you know it was a pleasure. If I can help you in any way, call me back at ______.”

2. If you get their voicemail, always leave a voicemail.

How to reach out to MLM Leads that have opted into your website or blog

1. Call them back ASAP. If you get their voicemail, always leave a voicemail saying, “Hey, this is ____ (your full name), from ________(city and state you are calling from). You visited my website at ____(when they opted in, ex. yesterday, a few hours ago, etc.) and I am just calling you to let you know there is a real person behind the website. If I can help you in any way, call me back at ______.” 

2. If you want to be more vague, pique a higher level of curiosity and increase the amount of callbacks you get, try leaving this message “Hey, this is ______(your first name only), I was referred to you, you can reach me at _______”.

If you have an opt in form that does not have an option for our MLM leads to enter their telephone or skype details, the very first email your new lead receives from you should be a Welcome email that lets them know you are available, you are a real person and that you are there to help them.

Want to see an example of how your very 1st email should be formatted?: Click here

You also see that I include links to whatever product I want them to be exposed to right off the bat. It could an info-product (free report, audio, free training video, etc) or your marketing system (i.e. MLSP). Unless your website or opt-in form is specifically offering more information for people who want financial freedom or want more info on your home business I would not lead with your business opportunity. You will want to back-end that once you’ve developed a relationship with your leads.

What Should I Pitch To Them?

2. I get this question ALL THE TIME. “Andrea, when I call these leads back, what should I pitch to them? Should I pitch MLSP, my personal training or my primary business opportunity first?” I suggest NOT going in to the call with a predetermined pitch. I suggest calling them first and LISTENING to what they say. Once you find out what problems they are currently having in their business (if any) you can then determine if you are able to offer them a solution.

  • Do they already have a home based business?
  • Are they happy with the income they are generating?
  • Are they having problems generating leads?
  • Is building their business online an option for them?
  • What marketing strategies have they already tried?
  • etc, etc, etc.

Listen to what they are looking for and what they are also able to do. If someone is complaining to you how broke they are and how money is an issue, then you may want to promote to them a product or solution that has a low price point to get them going. If you are talking to a person that is having a problem generating leads but is happy with their network marketing business pitch them something like My Lead System Pro.

As you are talking to them, make sure you are taking notes. After you find out what their main challenges are, what their wants and problems are, offer them a solution. For example, you mentioned you are struggling with _______, if I could show you a way that would help with that, would you be open to it or are you not that serious about it right now? When they answer that they are serious, respond with, I have a short video at ______, take some time to watch it to see if it’s a fit for you or not and if it is or you have questions, call me back at _________.

Also reach out and connect with them on Facebook. You’ll be surprised by how many people are willing to connect with you on facebook but won’t return your calls initially. It’s a great way to connect, let them know you are there and paying attention and it makes it easier to get them on the phone with you.

Looking For More Scripts To Convert More Leads, Sponsor More Reps and Make More Money…Click Here For More>>>

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SereniGy: Know Your Money Lifestyle Options
Learn how SereniGy Global is capitalizing on 2 MEGA TRENDS and equipping, educating and empowering people all over the world.


what to do when you lose your jobI teach people everyday how to generate extra cash and make money from home.  Most times I am helping someone who already has some stream of income coming into their household but wants to create a second source of cash flow or an income in case they lose their job. Plan B! In today’s economy, stories of people being laid off are just all too common so today I want to share with youWhat Do You Do When YOU Lose Your Job!” so you don’t get stuck in a place that is not meant for you.

The Employee Mindset

The major obstacle for many coming from the space of being an employee is that employees tend to put all of their power, all of their faith, and all of their hope in a company.

“The company is going to take care of me”

“The company is going to provide my benefits”

“The company is going to provide my retirement”

They spend their whole life, their best years hoping and wishing they can hold on long enough for those company benefits to kick in. These days of company loyalty are long gone.

This employee mindset is what keeps us from fulfilling our true purpose and our passion in life…

Another obstacle is that most people that have a job to lean on never get a real sense of urgency to create a Plan B or secure an additional income stream until it is too late and you’re being handed your pink slip and escorted toward to door. One of the things I am most thankful for is that I had no job, no income and no options at all and HAD to build my business. My back was against the wall and I did something about it. People with jobs think they have all the time in the world..UNTIL THEY DON’T!

What Do You Do When You Lose Your Job

So what will you do if your job is not there anymore? What will you do if your boss tells you to pack it up? What will you do if something unexpected prevents you from working and you are NOT prepared?

Well the firs thing to do is NOT to stress or worry about something that you do NOT have control of.

The second step is to now DO something that you DO have control of.

Network marketing, direct sales, Internet marketing is NOT a lottery ticket, it is not a get rich quick plan, and it is not something that happens overnight. Your financial empire is something that will be build over time. If you can’t manage without having a job then you will need to either spend time looking for another one, freelance by using your skills and promoting your expertise to others and in the meantime you should find a home business that allows you to build long term residual income and accumulate wealth and GET TO WORK.

Success in any business comes down to having the right support, the right training, the right leadership and the right team. There is no one that can do for you what you can do for yourself. Not your job, not your boss, not your company. You and only you control your final destination.

To learn more about building an income from home click here get educated about your money lifestyle options

Monday, October 17, 2011


PLR internet marketingThere are a TON of ways you can make instant income in your online business and one of those strategies that I absolutely love is making sales with PLR eBooks.

So what is PLR?

PLR stands for “Private Label Rights”.  When you purchase a PLR ebook or product, you are purchasing the rights to rebrand that product as your own, essentially slapping your name on something you didn’t have to write and taking credit for it!

Once you’ve purchased the PLR ebook, you can privately brand your name, domain name and business in the content as the original creator.  You can rewrite, edit, and revise any part of the product, you can group various PLR products together or you can repurpose that content into different mediums, such as videos, audio recordings, and even webinars. But what’s cool is that you keep 100% of the profits…talk about instant money!

Here are 5 Steps For Making Sales With PLR eBooks

Step 1: The first step for making sales with PLR eBooks is the grab a PLR eBook

Step 2: Change the title and add your affiliate links for related products. For example, if you have a PLR eBook about lead generation then you would sprinkle various affiliate links throughout the book that related to lead capture pages, autoresponders, web hosting, etc. Anything that was related to driving traffic, capturing leads and building an email list.

Step 3: Submit the modified ebook to a ton of freebie ebook sites, create a Squidoo Lenses, post tyour ebook to Blogger blogs, and WordPress blogs to give it more exposure.

One of my ebooks was called “Online Lead Generation Formula“. It was actually a PLR ebook written by one of my mentors Nicole Cooper, and the strategy above is helping me to make a LOT of sales.

Step 5: Set up Google Alerts to send you a notification every time someone is discussing “lead generation”  anywhere on the internet.

Step 4: So lets say that somebody wrote a blog post on choosing the best online lead generation strategies…I’d get an email alert from Google and I’d then rush over there and leave a friendly comment telling people I have a great ebook they could download from my blog.

And when they did this they’d end up clicking some of my affiliate links and I’d get paid! This is a tried and tested method I’ve used
myself and you can even do this WITHOUT the need for a website.

The only thing holding YOU back from doing the same is that it’s getting ridiculously hard to find high quality PLR ebooks these days especially in the Internet marketing, MLM and home based business niche.

Which is why I’m so pleased to recommend the super cool resource below:

Click HERE Now

It’s a collection of killer high quality PLR ebooks and other content that have never before been released written by network and internet marketers for network and internet marketers.

You can literally grab these today and follow the exact steps outlined above to duplicate my success.

There is so much you can do with PLR when the content is top notch and Nicole Cooper, the mastermind behind the MLM PLR Store has put together some of the very best content I have ever seen and it can be used to generate TONS of instant cash flow into your business.

So Go grab your FREE rebrandable ebooks from the link below now…

Click HERE Now

Grab the ebooks and follow the 5 super simple strategies above and then make sure to send me your success stories, okay?

Talk soon…

Monday, October 10, 2011

If You Want To Make Money Online in Your Home Business..Don't Neglect This Skill!

Great post about what it really takes to make money online in your home based business. Check out this post on BetterNetworker about how to make money online.

If You Want To Make Money Online..Don't Neglect This Skill!

make money onlineI want to ask you a simple question.

‘Is it possible for anyone to make money online?’

What do you think?

We’ve all seen the websites, the youtube videos, the facebook pages with people boasting flashy cars, designer watches and other extravagant items claiming to have unlocked the secrets to riches galore by doing next to nothing.

They tell us ‘Yes! Anyone can make money online…even you!’

What a crock of ________! (Yeah fill in the blank)

I want to give you the truth, the real deal.

‘Can anyone make money online?’


They can’t.

Anyone has the potential to make money online but will most people actually go out there and do it. Most will not. Most people will not make money make because they are not willing to do what it takes to make money online. They want to be mesmerized by the hope of making it big, buying product after product looking for the shortcut to success and wealth but they will never really roll up their sleeves, claim what they want and go after it!

Not everyone can make money online.

Not everyone is cut out for it.

Why is this?

Because Making Money Online requires you to be an entrepreneur, it requires you to have a business mindset and it requires you to have the skills of a leader.

The problem that the majority of people looking to make it big online have is that they are opportunistic.

The majority of internet marketing and network marketing newbies will jump from one opportunity to the next – never taking the time to sit still long enough to finish what they started. They are always looking for the next big thing, coveting and constantly chasing the success of others.

These people are setting themselves up to fail from the start.

Now look, if this sounds like you, don’t stress. I was once at a point where I chased and coveted and crawled after every opportunity, person and product that promised to make me big bucks.

But somewhere along the road of disappointment, I wised up and decided to get off that road. I got smart and I realized that if I didn’t want to lose my money and my mind I was going to have to change. And because I wanted to succeed more than any thing else I changed, I adjusted and I moved out of what was not working.

And so will you.

You have to stop being an Opportunity Seeker – and become a savvy in your strategy.

…and this is what I mean

If you want to make money online, offline, upline or downline…you can not neglect this critical skill.

And you have probably heard this a million and one times (so hopefully the million and 2 times you here it something inside of you will click) – but it is also 100% true.

It is having the correct MINDSET, a winning ATTITUDE, a spirit to SUCCEED. What does that mean? It means realizing there will be some new skills that you will have to learn, practice, and start implementing if you want to see abundance and financial prosperity manifest in your business and in your life. With these critical skills your return on investment will be slim to none.

Yeah I know, you say you have the right mindset, you say you want to win, you say you want to be successful, you say you are the most positive person in the world but here is the harsh reality. While everyone thinks they have the right mindset to succeed, very few do. In fact only 3% do.

For the majority of you wanting to build a business from home – this is your first RODEO, this is your first time delving in to entrepreneurship, this is your firs time building a business of any kind.

Do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with taking the first steps to becoming a business owner, to escaping the rat race, to controlling your financial future. in fact I wish I could give you a bog fat hug and say congrats because it is something that you should truly be applauded for – but here is where the problem lies – most  of you are not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with the rigors of building an EMPOWERED EMPIRE!

Building a business from home is not a cake walk, it is not a hobby and it is not something you do to half-heartedly – you will get eaten alive.

Business is SERIOUS and in ANY business (traditional, online, modern or old-school) – there will be new skills to learn, there will be adjustments you have to make and growth you’ll have to experience.

What stumps people when building a business online is that they think that there is an exception to the rules.

THERE ISN’T…and the key to building a super successful business  is to UNDERSTAND this before you even begin and unfortunately most people do not….despite what they say and think.

Want To Make Money Online – get in the game, develop your skills.

Just like an athlete – or a writer – or surgeon – you have the equip yourself with the right skills that ensure your success .

Skills can be taught and skills can be learned. I know that you wouldn’t expect to become a pro athlete, or a best selling author or a respected surgeon just because you wanted to.

Of course not.

You have to invest in learning, become educated, and spend time practicing to learn these skills.

And Making Money Online is no exception. But what makes this exciting, what makes it doable it that making money online, making money from home can be learned if you have the right mindset.

Once have the right mindset – NOTHING and I mean NOTHING – can get in your way. Believe me I am a living testament to that!

So if you want to be wildly success, it’s going to require work. Hard work.  Hours and hours of work. You’ll make mistakes, you’ll face frustration and doubt and you may even question if this is right for you but if it is what you really want you will not let those puny little obstacles stand in your way.

What is important is to get started, get to work, get the skills you need and focus on mastering those skills.

There is nothing special about the people who succeed. They’re not smarter or wiser. They don’t have supernatural powers of extraordinary talents. What the do have is the willingness to get out there and work just a little bit harder, go to bed just a little bit later, wake up just a little bit earlier, seek just a little more knowledge, and do just a little bit more than the next person.

The price for success is patience.

The price for success is perseverance.

The price for success is passion.

The price for success is practice.

The price for success is preparation.

For your FREE step by step guide to making money online click here to take our 30 Day Marketing Challenge and download my special report “5 Steps To A Fail Proof Business”

Friday, October 7, 2011

Javita Business Overview

Javita Business Overview

Get ready to learn more about how this specialty brew is evolutionizing the industry and changing lives (and finances) one cup at a time.

Here’s some of our key highlights: The product is already in demand and fueling a $100 billion worldwide industry. The compensation plan can mean $500K extra just for advancing through the ranks and you can qualify for a share of $10,000 Growth Bonus…Not to mention, the method of distribution (word-of-mouth) has a proven track record-practiced in more than 80 countries, valued at over $125 billion annually and has caught the attention of savvy-minded entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet.

Who Is Javita? Check out the Javita Corporate Video Here:


Ready To Take Advantage of This Once In A Life Time Positioning and Timing?

Join our Javita Team Now…

Javita Is Not Your Average Cup Of Coffee

Javita Is Not Your Average Cup Of Coffee

javita coffeeIn the mid-1600′s the first coffeehouse opened in England, where a cup of coffee sold for one penny and in 1773 following the Boston Tea Party, the Continental Congress declares coffee the official national beverage. Americans are now the world’s leading coffee fanatics, consuming 400 million cups daily.

Today coffee is a part of our everyday culture. It helps us jump start our day, we socialize and close business deals over it.  Chances are, you’ve already had a cup or two (or more) today. And if you haven’t, you definitely know someone that has.

Today, coffee is the second most valuable commodity in the modern global economy, with annual sales of $100 billion.  It’s been brewed, blended and baked — enjoyed black, as a frappucinno, and used to enhance our favorite desserts. Over 30 million Americans drink specialty coffee beverages such as espresso and espresso-based drinks daily and gourmet coffee characterizes the industry’s third wave. The Coffee Statistics Report shows a 20 percent annual increase in sales of specialty coffee (nearly 8 percent of the $18 billion U.S. coffee market) so no wonder Javita is prime to take advantage of the new industry trends.

A cup of Javita continues the tradition of great tasting coffee, but it offers coffee lovers something more.

We call it coffee evolved, a specialty brew that harnesses the health benefits, antioxidants, pick-me-ups and flavors of traditional coffee—but adds a kick. Our exclusive blend of estate-grown South American coffee is infused with nutrients from select herbs to give you MORE energy, MORE alertness and MORE mental clarity.

It stimulates your nervous system, increases circulation and decreases the risk of many known life-threatening ailments and cancers. (Get your FREE Report to learn more about the Science behind coffee)

Javita is looking for leaders who need more coffee and more wealth in their lives! Apply NOW!


5 steps to a fail proof businessHere’s Your FREE Ebook (No Strings Attached):

5 Steps To A Fail Proof Business!!

Discover the principles to going from zero to limitless profits online now.

If you’ve been frustrated, frazzled or found yourself flat out failing to generate income in your home based business, this FREE Report will give you the inside scoop on what the “MLM Online Masters” are doing to ATTRACT thousands, build massive downlines and generate income on autopilot online.

This book is also designed to help you get unstuck in your business and learn what it really takes to WIN in the modern world of business today. (The rules have changed and if you can’t keep up you can find yourself failing to reach your full potential as an entrepreneur)

By reading and sharing this ebook, you’re going to position yourself as the authority figure, as well as build a massive list!

Grab Your Free Copy Today before you competition does!

===>> Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Now!! <<===

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

70 Awesome Reasons To Love Network Marketing!

facts about network marketingI often get asked the question, “what’s so awesome about network marketing?” Well today I have 100 awesome things about network marketing to share with you. Network marketing has changed my life forever and despite the bad wrap it gets sometimes, it is a thriving profession that thousands of people flock to each day as they move toward changing their financial circumstances. Amazingly 1 in 8 households operate a home based business and every 11 seconds someone new is joining the direct sales industry. There are millions of success stories on how network marketing has impacting households, saved marriages, saved homes, and changed lives. Network marketing is just not some profession it is a movement and the only profession on the planet where the average person can create long-term generational wealth.

So here are 100 awesome things about network marketing:

    1. Network marketing lets you find a product you love and share it with others while making a commission.
    2. You don’t need any prior sales experience.
    3. You can be from Yale or jail…anyone can build a successful business from home.
    4. No tie required.
    5. You can make money from your kitchen table.
    6. Computer in one hand, baby in the other. network marketing allows stay at home moms the opportunity to make a significant income while spending time with their kids.
    7. Boss who? I love being my own boss…network  marketing allows you to fire your boss too!
    8. Network Marketing provides time freedom
    9. Need immediate income anyone?
    10. Long-term residual income.
    11. Low start up costs.
    12. Create your own hours.
    13. Spend more time with your family.
    14. Meet and network with like-minded people. I’ve met some of my best friends through network marketing.
    15. Helps you create secure cash flow?
    16. Generating 125 billion dollars in revenue in 2010.
    17. Has grown for 22 consecutive years.
    18. Is active in 150 countries worldwide.
    19. Tax deferred savings : There are numerous benefits.
    20. You can build a business and not have to worry about overhead: no storefront, no payroll, no huge advertising costs.
    21. Tools, systems and training provided for you.
    22. Your success isn’t determined by your race, age, religion or educational background.
    23. This is an industry for people who want to change their lives.
    24. The perfect business for the average person to create wealth.
    25. Everything is already done for you (customer service, infrastructure, product development, distribution, marketing aides)
    26. All you need to do is find a reputable company that offers you a product or service you believe in and can get passionate about.
    27. Over 75 million men and women are a part of this industry.
    28. This industry is creating more millions than any other profession in history.
    29. Let’s people build a substantial income part-time.
    30. You can build your business leveraging the internet for FREE!
    31. Where else can you invest a few hundred dollars and become a millionaire.
    32. This is a marketing system where you can start from the bottom and go to the top and become a top achiever within a company by building your own business.
    33. Entrepreneurs such as Warren Buffet and companies like Virgin, Sara Lee and Time Warner are buying network marketing/direct selling companies.
    34. Network Marketing is quoted in Success magazine as the “Most Powerful way to reach the consumer”
    35. We now have companies like Coca Cola, Microsoft, AT&T, IBM, SHARP, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, Gillette, Colgate-Palmolive distributing some or all of their products through the Network Marketing channels.
    36. You can participate in the global economy.
    37. Some of the most successful brands in the world (Amway, Mary Kay, Avon) are network marketing companies.
    38. Network marketing lets you start a complete transformation in your lifestyle!
    39. With consistent effort the network marketing industry model can give the average person wealth in 2 to 4 years.
    40. Leverage…. The Real Power of MLM!

    41. This industry is recession-proof
    42. One of the major benefits of this business is you can have unlimited income potential.
    43. You can produce residual income where you get paid forever for work you did in the past.
    44. You can brand yourself!
    45. Build your business around your own unique personality.
    46. Network Marketing is what Free Enterprise is all about – creating something from nothing, the true entrepreneurial free-enterprise opportunity.
    47. Your rewards are directly linked to the work you put in.
    48. Create full-time income from part-time effort in your home.
    49. You can’t fail if you don’t quit!
    50. This profession cultivates leaders
    51. One of the best parts of Network Marketing is the constant emphasis on learning and growing.
    52. Network Marketing will pay you based on the value that you bring to the market place. Your pay raise will become effective as soon as you do.
    53. The Networking Marketing profession is open for business 365 days per year.
    54. You determine how hard and how long that you will work for your dreams.
    55. Network marketing is the big wave of the future. It’s taking the place of franchising, which now requires too much capital for the average person.
    56. Success in this industry is not in finding the right person, but in becoming the right person.
    57. If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support others in achieving their big dreams, then the network marketing business is definitely a business for you.
    58. Network marketing is the ultimate act of engagement.
    59. Empowers people to be more.
    60. Allows you to support others in achieving their big dreams
    61. You can give yourself regular raises until your business grows.
    62. The education and support are there to guide you through this personal development process.
    63. It’s not about finding great people, it’s about becoming a great person
    64. Home-based businesses are one of the fastest-growing segments in our economy
    65. Being in business for myself – but not by myself
    66. Give s you the ability to travel the world
    67. An awesome way to develop new friendships
    68. The opportunity for long-term , generous residual income
    69. A way to reach out, and bless the lives of many
    70. Network marketing can make YOU Awesome!!

I am proud to work in an industry that truly is “recession-proof”… In fact, our industry is growing after month, even in the face of today’s economy.  I’ve learned how important it is to choose a company that has a reputation that is credible and trustworthy. I’ve learned how important it is to choose to represent a product that is in great demand- and is consumable-which creates the potential for great residual income! I have learned how to build a successful home based business, and I love to teach people how to do the same! I truly understand the power of “residual income”….paychecks that come in when I am having lunch with friends, or on vacation with my family!  

Is network marketing right for you? Let’s chat about how I may be able to help you! If you are looking at a home based business opportunity, contact me today- to see if this could be a good fit!

Monday, October 3, 2011

5 SureFire Lead Generation Strategies For Your Network Marketing Success

lead generation strategiesHow many leads are you getting each day for your business from your lead generation strategies?

Do you know how many people are opting in to your blog, Facebook fanpage and other capture pages?

If the answer is not enough, none or I don’t know then you may want to listen up to what I am about to share with you.

The bottom line is this: To build any successful business online, you have to have a continuous stream of fresh leads. Leads are the lifeline of your business. Without Traffic and Leads there is no way your business can survive.

So if you are not building a list you are not building a business and you might as well to STOP wasting your time.

As an online entrepreneur your number one priority is to implement any and all lead generations strategies that are building your list and producing profits. This also means eliminating any and all strategies that are not effective, not income producing and not helping you to grow your business fast.

There are a number of lead generation strategies that you can use to turn your business in to a GOLDMINE.  From blogging to article marketing, Facebook to forum marketing, your ability to tap into any number of Internet Hot-spots for highly qualified, targeted leads, are limitless.

So why is it that with so many sources to tap in to you are still not generating 10, 20+ leads a day for your business?

The trick is that you have to know what you are doing.

So how do you utilize the right lead generation strategies and how do you take care of those leads once you get them on your list?

Here are some surefire lead generation strategies:

1. Blogging

By offering valuable content or information you turn visitors into loyal, dedicated readers and followers on complete autopilot giving you the ability to build your email list into the thousands. By building an email list you are able to develop relationships and increase your level of TRUST with your readers, turning them into responsive, loyal customers who buy from you repeatedly, dramatically increasing your sales.

Also, having a professional looking, well-designed blog as the “central hub” automatically positions you as an expert,  it showcases your value to the community and instantly brands you as a true leader in your niche who people love to follow.

2. Facebook

If you have yet to utilize Facebook for your blog or business, you’re falling way behind. There are now over 750 million users active on Facebook and every month people spend a total of over 700 billion minutes on it (see Facebook Statistics).

For me and my own businesses, Facebook has become one of my top traffic sources (2nd only Google), and it has helped me connect with my audience in a way that no other platform has.

There are 2 primary assets that you are building when you are marketing on Facebook. Those primary assets are your fanpage (this is my fanapage here) and your email list. Building a Facebook following directly translates into getting massive amounts of leads for your business and when you can post status updates that direct thousands of leads at once to a capture page, you are building your list in such a powerful way.

Once you build your Facebook fan page and personal friends base you can continue to tap into that same pool over and over and over again. To send messages, posts updates, send people back to your capture page, promote your business. You have to go where the money is…and people are on Facebook!! If you understand how to use it properly it will be a tool that you will continue to make you money from, day after day, once you build it.

3. Social Media & Forum Marketing

Social media is a fundamental part of online marketing and is especially important for online network marketers, internet marketers and affiliate marketers. The ability to maximize social media and forum marketing in a way that allows you to build relationships, create a powerful brand and online presence while generating more leads is the formula for massive success.

The value in social media is more than having a few Facebook friends and Twitter followers. In fact, social media networking sites are more like gold mines, filled with  an endless supply of targeted leads and potential prospects that you can promote your content and business to. Though most leads turn out to be nothing but dust, if you sift long enough you are guaranteed to come up with some GOLDEN nuggets. These customers, clients and even business partners are worth their weight in gold.

Social media and forum marketing keeps you connected with your audience and can deliver lots of targeted traffic if you know how to use it right. When you have a social media following, it becomes very easy to market and getting started with social media marketing is not as hard as one might think. With so many social media platforms available, it is important for network marketers to have a good understanding of the various Internet marketing strategies they can implement in their online marketing campaigns.

4. Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most effective lead generation strategies out there.  Your goal is to create short, powerful and professional looking videos, that aim to do one thing: position yourself as an expert in your niche so that you can attract quality leads to your brand and business.

Effective video marketing is about providing powerful solutions to your viewers while inspiring them to take action on whatever it is that you are selling.

When you can convey credibility as a legitimate expert in your niche online and invoke curiosity leaving your viewer wanting to learn more, you can generate more highly qualified leads for your email list,  attract more traffic and ultimately make more sales in your online business.

5. Info Product Creation

There is an enormous amount of information all around us and things that you learn or skill sets you have, you can put to good use by teaching it to others. It is a fact that people will happily follow and even pay you for information that will help them solve their problems. This is where you can generate an enormous amount of new leads that become loyal followers because you are showing them how to fix their problems.

People like to buy stuff and providing high impact information can create for you high profits. Information products can and do provide a significant and recurring income that builds over time. Plus the more practice you put into it, the better you get, and the better your results.

While info products can take some time to create and develop if you are considering starting your own ebook, video course or other type to information product, don’t expect instant millions overnight but do expect almost instant results in terms of increased traffic, more leads and increased income.

If you have been following me for a while you know that you’ve seen me implement all of these lead generation strategies and you know that I am all about helping you improve your business and grow it the right way.

I am always looking for proven strategies that I can implement to get the results I want and then I share them with all of you, my readers and subscribers.

So, I have found and implemented 6 effective lead generation methods that many online marketers are not using (yet). These lead generation strategies are helping me get up to 25 leads a day – at no cost to me.

That explains why I am currently one of the top recruiters in my business and how I am able to have $500 days all on the Internet.

Do you want to know how:

  • I generate up to 30 leads a day using simple lead generation strategies all for free? (no PPC, no Buying leads, no paid advertising methods)
  • You can use my sneaky little tricks to get on the first page of Google?
  • To turn more of your visitors into highly targeted leads without driving them away?
  • You can generate TONS of additional income streams using information you already know?

Then you need to get access to my hidden lead generation strategies (video series) and stop wasting your time and money trying things that do NOT work!

  • I have never shared this information anywhere else in so much detail- so you are in for a HUGE treat – only if you are dead serious about driving more traffic, generating more leads and signing up more reps for your business.

Forget about using those water-downed strategies that suck up all your time and leave you with 1 or 2 leads to show for. You now have 30+ step by step video tutorials to walk you through the proven lead generation strategies to grow your list every single day!

My course is extremely inexpensive ($97), my mentor called me NUTS for offering it at such a low price. And considering the INSANE amount of HOT what’s-working-now strategies I am giving away in this course I highly recommend that you get your hands on these methods right now before I come to my senses and raise the price.

If you want to get free, high-quality, targeted leads as well as increase your sale and your downline then click on the “Add To Cart” button below to get instant access to this kick-butt information for only $97.

And start generating more leads for your business than you know what do to with!

Don’t wait because I guarantee you that the price will go up soon!


Disclaimer: If you are happy with the number of leads and new reps you are generating for your business, then this video course is not for you. If you winning in your business, a top recruiter, making lots of sales and making the type of money you want then this video course is not for you either.

I would love it if you’d share the love with your friends and followers. Remember sharing is caring!

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