If you are a network marketer building your business online implementing Facebook marketing strategies can really drive tons of traffic to your blog and in turn your blog can help you build your Facebook fan base as well. Yes it works both ways. When you are actively in the mode of increasing your Facebook fans you are also connecting and building relationships with your followers which generates leads and ultimately buying customers. It’s not good enough to just have a Facebook like button on your blog or a Facebook fan page box. You have to implement a number of different strategies to build your Facebook fan base and one of the most powerful strategies is using a call to action at the end of your blog posts. A call to action is a way to trigger your blog visitor to take a specific ‘action’ on something. When a visitor lands on your blog the goal is to direct them toward your email list where you can then continue building a relationship with them. When you are consistently giving great value to your readers, offering them solid solutions that they can apply to get rapid results, you are essentially giving them an incentive to continue getting value from you by using a call to action you are extending the invitation to have them subscribe to your email list. If when they finish reading your posts or browsing the content on your blog, you don’t ever tell them what to do next, then more than likely they will leave your blog perhaps never to return again and you’ve essentially lost an opportunity to generate a lead or buying customer. If you give them a call to action, a way to continue learning and getting value from you – value that is going to help them solve their problems – you can move them to your email list where they can optin and become a fan or loyal customer of yours. You can use your call to action to get your readers to subscribe to your email list, make comments, share your posts and connect with you on other social media networks including your Facebook Fan Page. When building your fan base and email list using Facebook or any other social media marketing strategies for that matter, you should remember that your goal is to drive traffic to your blog as well as drive traffic to your fan page (see mine here) which in turn drives more traffic to your blog. It’s a continuous cycle that helps you to build a perpetual fan base that connects with you on a daily basis, helps promote your brand and content, creates for you social buzz, and supports you as a person of interest in your niche!Facebook is a major gold mind when it comes to generating leads and attracting like-minded people to your brand and business. Here is a sneaky but simple tip on how to use a call to action to increase your Facebook fans fast.
What Is A Call To Action and How Do You Use it To Increase Facebook Fans?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Increase Your Facebook Fans Fast Using A Call To Action
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
MLM Recruiting Tips On BetterNetworker
Here is a really cool article that outlines 3 simple MLM Recruiting Tips For A More Successful Network Marketing Business: Check it out here
So many network marketers face major challenges when it comes to MLM recruiting. Network marketing success depends heavily on how well you can recruit and build your downline. When I joined my first network marketing business I struggled with bringing quality recruits into my MLM and struggled even more to get grow my downline.
Looking back at my challenges I realized that I was just not ready to for success. I lacked influence and avoided connecting with my team because I was scared. I was scared and I had a lack of belief - I just didn't think people would want to follow me and if they did, how would I know how to lead them.
If you are ever to become a serious marketer who wants to make money in this industry and have all that network marketing success can bring, you need to ask yourself this one simple question:
- Do I know what to DO when someone joins my team?
You must know and believe that you can lead people to success. You must be able to show them the right tools and train them in the right way. You must believe that the people you partner with can be successful and you must believe in your business opportunity. I mean what it the point in bringing someone in to your business if you yourself don't 100% believe it's a good one.
When you are able to posture and act in a way that will attract people to you, your opportunity and the lifestyle this industry offers, only then will you start to see a shift in you network marketing success. So if you ask yourself Do I know what to DO when someone joins my team? and your answer is no, or I'm not sure or not really, then you are probably keeping yourself from becoming the MLM recruiting powerhouse you can be.
How Do I Focus On MLM Recruiting For Network Marketing Success?
1. Don't throw your expectations on others
Network marketing becomes a roller coaster when you get super happy and exciting when you sign up a new rep only to be down in the dumps when they don't explode and take off like you want them to. Up one minute, down the next, back up, then down again when a new recruit disappoints you. You can not build your business based on the assumption that everyone you bring on board is going to want network marketing success as much as you do and once you release those expectations not only will you have more fun building your business, you won't feel so much pressure. When the burden of building a business is reduced you find that success finds you much easier.
2. MLM Recruiting Confidence
If you are unsure what to do when you get a new sign up it's not because the right tools are not accessible to you, it's because you don't believe that you can teach your new recruits what it takes for network marketing success. You must be confident in the fact that you can recruit people in to your MLM and mentor them as their leader. You have to believe in the training, believe in the systems you have in place and believe that they have everything they need to make it!
3. Proper MLM Recruiting Training and Systems
It's not good enough to just recruit, recruit, recruit. You must train, train, train too! Personal develop, leadership skills and practical applications of being an entrepreneur are all things you must teach your new recruits. This is what will help them to grow and realize their own potential. While some companies provide better training than others, you must be 100% confident in the training you have in place for your reps. Training that if implemented correctly can almost guarantee their long term success.
Network marketing success begins and ends with you and you are the one responsible for the success of your organization. If you are not 100% confident in the training your MLM company provides, it may be time to look for a practical and easy-to-implement blueprint that is going to help you in your MLM recruiting efforts as well as lay the foundation for your team to get the desired results as well. - Click Here To Get On The Guest List For The MLM Crash Course Launch Event
Andrea Bolder has built a massive brand as the Gold Medal Marketer by combining her winning mentality in Athletics with her entrepreneurial instincts. A track and field Gold Medalist in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Andrea brings an intense determination to the network marketing community. She now coaches and mentors Network Marketers across the globe on the most effective strategies for Branding and Marketing using the Internet. Want To Drive More Traffic, Generate More Leads and Sign Up More Reps? ===>Get On The List!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Creating Wealth With Network Marketing - The Key Element To Success!
How do you really create wealth with network marketing? Network Marketing like any other business opportunity requires not only requires a passion for the product but a passion to impact the lives of others. There is not much difference between a franchise such as McDonald’s and network marketing but Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth. There is a long standing misconception that network marketing is nothing but a scam or pyramid scheme. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Network marketing opportunities, when done right, can make (and are making) many independently wealthy. There are millions of people around the globe who have been able to create wealth with network marketing, working their business from home either part-time or full-time as a way to achieve the lifestyle they desire and quite a few millionaires are being created.
So how are these individuals creating wealth with network marketing?
1. Passion For The Product
When you are researching a new business venture, you have to resonate with the mission and vision of the company. Network marketing is all about people who love a product and/or service and want to share it with everyone they know. That is how they become successful. The most successful marketers become so by “selling out” to their product. They believe in it so much that they are willing to invest the time and money it takes to build a lucrative business.
Entrepreneurs must leverage themselves as the “go-to” person for that network marketing company’s product or business opportunity. Success doesn’t happen over night, but those that stay the course, stay committed and continue to promote their products effectively are rewarded handsomely over time. It is a fact that marketers who stay with a company for more than 10 years reach the top of their company’s rank and compensation plan. Continuous marketing of an entrepreneurs name and brand attached to a particular network marketing business will grow their sales as people seek to purchase products and enroll in the business opportunity.
Like any other business, entrepreneurs must focus on those who show interest in their products and want to learn more about the opportunity. It is purely a numbers game. Nourish relationships with those who want what you have to offer because turning those prospects into customers and/or business partners is the only way to long term residual wealth.
Wealth in network marketing is a direct result of how much passion an entrepreneur has for the product as well as the ability to take that product, market the hell out of it, all while building a personal brand and getting their name out there. When customers think of a certain product, that entrepreneurs name should be automatically synonymous with that product or service. While their name and network marketing opportunity is being marketed to the public, they must work at establishing relationships with like-minded individuals who have shown interest; those individuals will then tell other people and expand your business network. For wealth in a particular network marketing company, your surrounding network must recognize your name and face as the representative to go see, for that company.
Determination to succeed and a genuine love for the product can put any entrepreneur into the millionaires club, and make them a top 1% income earner in this industry. The product a marketer is trying to sell must reflect and resonate with who they are as an individual. Think of your favorite products, if there were a network marketing opportunity available for that product, would you be a millionaire? There is a good chance the answer would be…Yes, Absolutely. So potential home based business owners must spend their time finding the perfect network marketing opportunity that can fit right into their current lifestyle. When it comes down to it, the product and your enthusiasm toward that product is the difference between wealth and mediocrity!
To choosing the opportunity of your life!
Learn How To Begin Creating Wealth In Network Marketing
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Secret To Creating Wealth With Network Marketing Is In The Product?
Here is a short article on BetterNetworker on how to create wealth with network marketing...Check it out here.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Increase Blog Traffic On BetterNetworker
Here is a great article on how to increase blog traffic in 5 simple steps. Check it out on Betternetworker now.
Increase Blog Traffic NOW In 5 Simple Steps
I am going to share with you today the 5 super simple steps you can take to dramatically increase blog traffic RIGHT NOW. If you follow the steps I am about to lay out for you, you can expect to get more blog traffic almost instantly.
How To Increase Blog Traffic
Essential WordPress Plugins To Increase Blog Traffic
You must have the right tools to monitor your blog traffic, know how effective your message is and to determine if you need to make adjustments in order to have the best network marketing blog you can. Small tweaks to your blog can make huge differences in the amount of traffic you see coming through.
Step #1 Set Up All in One SEO Pack.
In a nut shell the All in One SEO Pack Plugin Optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines. Make certain that immediately after you install you fill out the settings using the appropriate keywords that you want your blog to be found for.
Step # 2 Set Up OnlyWire and Facebook Share
These awesome plugins will allow your visitors to share your content right from your blog (check out the buttons at the top and bottom of this post?).
Step # 3 Set Up Google Analytics
What? Google Analytics….What is Google anlaytics?
Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor experience. With this information, you can improve your website return on investment, increase conversions, and make more money on the web. It is also useful for seeing which keywords are driving traffic to your site.
Don’t have an Analytics account? To start using Analytics, sign in with your Google Account here.
- All the the plugins I mentioned above can be found in your wordpress dashboard under the “Plugins” Tab. Click add new and search for the plugin you want and click install. Be sure to fill out the settings for each plugin (you will see your plugins stacked in the left hand side of your menu. Search under “Settings” tab all the way toward the bottom.)
There are a number of other plugins that can enhance the functionality when it comes to your blog but these 3 are a must when looking to maximize your traffic.
Step # 4 Craft Your Content
It’s not good enough to just sit in front your your computer and write whatever comes to mind. When building an online business you are targeting your ideal prospect and you want to drive traffic to your site that is going to want you you have to offer them. I made the mistake when I first started online of writing what I felt like that day then trying to figure out on the back end how I was going to get traffic to my blog. To maximize your time, productivity and efforts, you must be strategic when writing your blog content. A well crafted blog post can get you traffic immediately and get you found in the search engines much quicker.
Take a few minutes to do keyword research, create a hypnotic title that draws readers in and format a post that is easy to read and provide incredible value to your readers. This is the fastest way to increase traffic to your site.
(Here is a tool I found useful when I first started SEO for my blog posts – download for free here)
Step # 5 Get Syndicated
Yes Syndication is your friend when it comes to increasing blog traffic and the next step to generating tons of back links and get viral exposure is achieved by using syndication tribes. I absolutely love the fact that I can have hundreds of people sharing my content on social media networks such as LinkedIn, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook. Tribes are extremely powerful because your content is being shares by tons of people on dozens of different sites. This kind of viral activity gets Google’s attention and shows the search engines that your content is relevant because people are sharing it.
Here is an example of how many times a recent blog post of mine was shared. I mean WOW! That is “1157″ back links from high ranking websites that are directed at this one blog post. This is some super duper link juice. If you do not have any back links to your blog it’s extremely difficult for the search engines and therefore your target market, to find your blog posts. The absolute best thing about this syndication tribe is that you can join it for FREE, here – Join Syndication Tribe.
One last plugin I want to mention that will increase blog is the Onlywire plugin. You can access this as well from your wordpress dashboard. When you publish your blog post the onlywire plugin automatically sends your link to your personal social bookmarking accounts.
These 5 simple steps will dramatically increase blog traffic over the next 48 hours but you can achieve even BIGGER results by educating yourself more on traffic generation by clicking the link below.
Get Your Network Marketing Blog Set Up Within 14 Hours. Click Here To Check Out This Free Video Series
Increase Blog Traffic NOW In 5 Simple Steps
I am going to share with you today the 5 super simple steps you can take to dramatically increase blog traffic RIGHT NOW. If you follow the steps I am about to lay out for you, you can expect to get more blog traffic almost instantly.
How To Increase Blog Traffic
Essential WordPress Plugins To Increase Blog Traffic
You must have the right tools to monitor your blog traffic, know how effective your message is and to determine if you need to make adjustments in order to have the best network marketing blog you can. Small tweaks to your blog can make huge differences in the amount of traffic you see coming through.
Step #1 Set Up All in One SEO Pack.
In a nut shell the All in One SEO Pack Plugin Optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines. Make certain that immediately after you install you fill out the settings using the appropriate keywords that you want your blog to be found for.
Step # 2 Set Up OnlyWire and Facebook Share
These awesome plugins will allow your visitors to share your content right from your blog (check out the buttons at the top and bottom of this post?).
Step # 3 Set Up Google Analytics
What? Google Analytics….What is Google anlaytics?
Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor experience. With this information, you can improve your website return on investment, increase conversions, and make more money on the web. It is also useful for seeing which keywords are driving traffic to your site.
Don’t have an Analytics account? To start using Analytics, sign in with your Google Account here.
- All the the plugins I mentioned above can be found in your wordpress dashboard under the “Plugins” Tab. Click add new and search for the plugin you want and click install. Be sure to fill out the settings for each plugin (you will see your plugins stacked in the left hand side of your menu. Search under “Settings” tab all the way toward the bottom.)
There are a number of other plugins that can enhance the functionality when it comes to your blog but these 3 are a must when looking to maximize your traffic.
Step # 4 Craft Your Content
It’s not good enough to just sit in front your your computer and write whatever comes to mind. When building an online business you are targeting your ideal prospect and you want to drive traffic to your site that is going to want you you have to offer them. I made the mistake when I first started online of writing what I felt like that day then trying to figure out on the back end how I was going to get traffic to my blog. To maximize your time, productivity and efforts, you must be strategic when writing your blog content. A well crafted blog post can get you traffic immediately and get you found in the search engines much quicker.
Take a few minutes to do keyword research, create a hypnotic title that draws readers in and format a post that is easy to read and provide incredible value to your readers. This is the fastest way to increase traffic to your site.
(Here is a tool I found useful when I first started SEO for my blog posts – download for free here)
Step # 5 Get Syndicated
Yes Syndication is your friend when it comes to increasing blog traffic and the next step to generating tons of back links and get viral exposure is achieved by using syndication tribes. I absolutely love the fact that I can have hundreds of people sharing my content on social media networks such as LinkedIn, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook. Tribes are extremely powerful because your content is being shares by tons of people on dozens of different sites. This kind of viral activity gets Google’s attention and shows the search engines that your content is relevant because people are sharing it.
Here is an example of how many times a recent blog post of mine was shared. I mean WOW! That is “1157″ back links from high ranking websites that are directed at this one blog post. This is some super duper link juice. If you do not have any back links to your blog it’s extremely difficult for the search engines and therefore your target market, to find your blog posts. The absolute best thing about this syndication tribe is that you can join it for FREE, here – Join Syndication Tribe.
One last plugin I want to mention that will increase blog is the Onlywire plugin. You can access this as well from your wordpress dashboard. When you publish your blog post the onlywire plugin automatically sends your link to your personal social bookmarking accounts.
These 5 simple steps will dramatically increase blog traffic over the next 48 hours but you can achieve even BIGGER results by educating yourself more on traffic generation by clicking the link below.
Get Your Network Marketing Blog Set Up Within 14 Hours. Click Here To Check Out This Free Video Series
Monday, August 1, 2011
Video Tutorial - How To Install Facebook Comments On Your Wordpress Blog
Ever wonder how to install Facebook Comments plugin on your wordpress blog. This 3 step video tutorial will have facebook comments installed within 10 minutes.
How To Install Facebook Comments Plugin On Your Wordpress Blog On BetterNetworker
Here is a really cool video tutorial on How To Install Facebook Comments For Wordpress Plugin on Your Blog! Check it out here
Andrea Bolder
The Gold Medal Marketer Blog
How To Install Facebook Comments Plugin On Your Wordpress Blog In 3 Easy Steps
Some of you might have noticed that I recently added the Facebook comments plugin on The Gold Medal Marketer Blog. As HOT as Facebook is right now, when I came across the Facebook comments plugin for wordpress, it definitely caught my attention. I've been playing around with a few different social media plugins lately so I thought I'd give Facebook comments a shot too. I love the way it looks and what serious blogger wouldn't want to be connected to the 3rd largest nation on the planet, Facebook nation that is!!
So other than the fact that Facebook comments for wordpress looks cool, here are the reasons I installed it on this blog and I am going to show you in a quick video tutorial how you can install Facebook comments on your wordpress blog too.
- To generate more traffic from Facebook
- To get more Facebook Fan Page likes
- To increase comments
- To add the another social element to my blog
- Minimize spam
If you are looking for ways to generate more traffic, create a more social and interactive experience for your readers then installing the Facebook Comments Plugin for your wordpress blog should be a priority. Here's how to set up the plugin in 3 easy steps.
This is how I did it
This is a very quick process and it will take you less than 10 minutes to get everything set up. Here is a summary of the video tutorial.
- Install the Facebook Comments plugin.
- Create a Facebook app here – a quick and simple process.
- In Settings go to “Facebook Comments” and choose new under “Enable/Disable Facebook's New Comment System”
- In “Basic Settings” make sure to fill in your app ID and app secret along with "Include Facebook comments on blog", "Combine WordPress and Facebook comment counts" and "Show the Dashboard Recent Comments admin widget".
- In "Comment Box Settings" adjust the width of your comments area.
- Click Update Options and you are all set.
Tell me what you think about the Facebook Comment Plugin? Leave me a FB comment below!