If you are a network marketer building your business online implementing Facebook marketing strategies can really drive tons of traffic to your blog and in turn your blog can help you build your Facebook fan base as well. Yes it works both ways. When you are actively in the mode of increasing your Facebook fans you are also connecting and building relationships with your followers which generates leads and ultimately buying customers. It’s not good enough to just have a Facebook like button on your blog or a Facebook fan page box. You have to implement a number of different strategies to build your Facebook fan base and one of the most powerful strategies is using a call to action at the end of your blog posts. A call to action is a way to trigger your blog visitor to take a specific ‘action’ on something. When a visitor lands on your blog the goal is to direct them toward your email list where you can then continue building a relationship with them. When you are consistently giving great value to your readers, offering them solid solutions that they can apply to get rapid results, you are essentially giving them an incentive to continue getting value from you by using a call to action you are extending the invitation to have them subscribe to your email list. If when they finish reading your posts or browsing the content on your blog, you don’t ever tell them what to do next, then more than likely they will leave your blog perhaps never to return again and you’ve essentially lost an opportunity to generate a lead or buying customer. If you give them a call to action, a way to continue learning and getting value from you – value that is going to help them solve their problems – you can move them to your email list where they can optin and become a fan or loyal customer of yours. You can use your call to action to get your readers to subscribe to your email list, make comments, share your posts and connect with you on other social media networks including your Facebook Fan Page. When building your fan base and email list using Facebook or any other social media marketing strategies for that matter, you should remember that your goal is to drive traffic to your blog as well as drive traffic to your fan page (see mine here) which in turn drives more traffic to your blog. It’s a continuous cycle that helps you to build a perpetual fan base that connects with you on a daily basis, helps promote your brand and content, creates for you social buzz, and supports you as a person of interest in your niche!Facebook is a major gold mind when it comes to generating leads and attracting like-minded people to your brand and business. Here is a sneaky but simple tip on how to use a call to action to increase your Facebook fans fast.
What Is A Call To Action and How Do You Use it To Increase Facebook Fans?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Increase Your Facebook Fans Fast Using A Call To Action
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